Sunday, April 28, 2013

Work by Gonny Stuut

is on show in galerie Zone from 1st to the 31st May 


In her paintings the human being, in particular the human face, is central; however they are not portraits. Using 'classical' oilpainting techniques Gonny creates autonomous images of faces which, through their direct confrontation with the viewer, are immedietely recognisable to everyone. 

The opening is on Sunday 5th May  at 14.00 o' clock. Everyone is welcome!

Opening times Galerie Zône:
Wednesday to Friday 12.00-18.00
Saturday 10.00-17.00
Sunday 13.00-17.00

Monday, April 8, 2013

For the coming two weeks  Monika Auch's woven "embryological objects" and wall panels can be seen displayed in our window. 

Using silkscreen printing techniques and a computer controlled loom to create her pieces, Monika feels that her hands are the connection between machine, knowledge and imagination.

Her medical background is evident in her detailed textile work, which is often suggestive of the growth patterns found through the lens of a microscope. For her, the world of art and medicine are intextricably bound together with both professions requiring the same core skills: a knack of understanding humans and their environment, heightened haptic senses and well-developed spatial orientation.

This presentation is a foretaste for a solo exhibition in May 2014 when she intends to transform Gallery Zone into a weaving studio where visitors will be able to explore for themselves the "intelligence of their hands".

Visit her website for more information on her fascinating work:

It's April and our artist this month is Sylvia ten Kley.

Her finely drawn pencil and needlework on paper are meant to be viewed from nearby, and pull the viewer in to an almost intimate experience.

Colour plays a subdued yet subtle role in these works - the needlework is white, representing lightness; the pencil drawing is dark: heaviness.

Her etchings are more decorative, and in these she has allowed colour into her work.

All of her work is made to be looked at closely. It radiates a tranquil simplicity which invites one to take a step back from the rush of daily life and spend a few moments in quiet contemplation.

Have a look at her work on her website:

The opening was on 7th April and her work remains on show until the end of the month.
For more information visit our website