Friday, September 14, 2012

WABI SABI collection by Monika Auch

Inspired by Japanese ‘WABI SABI’ philosophy - to honour the used, imperfect and to employ traditional techniques - the collection of woven scarves presents sustainable materials in a contemporary design.

The scarves are handcrafted on a single pure silk warp in the most economic use of double weave technique. Using strictly a rich variety of environment friendly yarns and  precious re-used fabrics, each scarf is a unique piece. 

Materials are:

factory left-over yarns and shredded textiles

blue slashed velvet from a local cloth production and indigo dyed wool

white textured silk from silk worm friendly production, i.e. the butterflies are allowed to hatch from the cocoon, leaving torn pieces of material that are spun into irregular yarns

very fine banana fibre yarn in a round weave

handspun chunky wool from local sheep, indigo dyed

On sale in Gallery Zone from 15 september.......

Friday, September 7, 2012

Leslie Eisinger (1983), fashion and textile designer, is busy working on a new collection of clothing which she will be selling through Gallery Zone as from next Friday (14 september).
Inspired by one of the earliest known groups of anthropods, she calls this collection "Trilobite". These creatures lived more than 250 million years ago but the textures and shapes found in their fossils have provided the inspiration  for the textures and shapes of her collection.
Combining knitting with, for example, origami techniques, and using only natural fibres such as wool and cotton she is creating an unusual and exciting range..... I for one cant wait to see it! (atelier van leslieeisinger)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Using acrylic and mixed techniques, artist Marja Verduin paints 'landscapes' which allow the viewer room for his/her own interpretation. Inspired by her surroundings, she uses these images to create almost abstract forms of colour and atmosphere and by giving them titles such as 'The evil forest' she bestows an almost human identity to her work.

The turquise forest
Showing from 1 to 30 September at Galerie Zône, Nieuwstraat 17b, Leiden. 
The opening is on 2 September from 14:00 to 16:00.Everyone welcome!! 

Chair landscape

More info and opening times: