Thursday, October 25, 2012
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
This month, october, our guest artist is Egbert van der Does who's paintings are inspired by neurons in the cranium.
You still have 2 weeks to come and visit his exhibition at Galerie Zone, in Leiden.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Inspired by Japanese ‘WABI SABI’ philosophy - to honour the used, imperfect and to employ traditional techniques - the collection of woven scarves presents sustainable materials in a contemporary design.
The scarves are handcrafted on a single pure silk warp in the most economic use of double weave technique. Using strictly a rich variety of environment friendly yarns and precious re-used fabrics, each scarf is a unique piece.

Materials are:
factory left-over yarns and shredded textiles
blue slashed velvet from a local cloth production and indigo dyed wool
white textured silk from silk worm friendly production, i.e. the butterflies are allowed to hatch from the cocoon, leaving torn pieces of material that are spun into irregular yarns
very fine banana fibre yarn in a round weave
handspun chunky wool from local sheep, indigo dyed
On sale in Gallery Zone from 15 september.......
Friday, September 7, 2012
Leslie Eisinger (1983), fashion and textile designer, is busy working on a new collection of clothing which she will be selling through Gallery Zone as from next Friday (14 september).
Inspired by one of the earliest known groups of anthropods, she calls this collection "Trilobite". These creatures lived more than 250 million years ago but the textures and shapes found in their fossils have provided the inspiration for the textures and shapes of her collection.
Combining knitting with, for example, origami techniques, and using only natural fibres such as wool and cotton she is creating an unusual and exciting range..... I for one cant wait to see it!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Using acrylic and mixed techniques, artist Marja Verduin paints 'landscapes' which allow the viewer room for his/her own interpretation. Inspired by her surroundings, she uses these images to create almost abstract forms of colour and atmosphere and by giving them titles such as 'The evil forest' she bestows an almost human identity to her work.
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The turquise forest |
Showing from 1 to 30 September at Galerie Zône, Nieuwstraat 17b, Leiden.
The opening is on 2 September from 14:00 to 16:00.Everyone welcome!!
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Chair landscape |
More info and opening times:
Friday, August 31, 2012
Marianne Hensel's ceramics are a harmonious mix of motion, skin, contrast and colour.
Formed from slabs and decorated with stamps, structures and lines she uses glazed stoneware and coloured porcelein to make containers, birds, vases, bowls and jewellery.
One of the original founding members of the Zone collective Marianne was with us for 20 years before 'retiring'. However, as this exhibition shows, she has not retired from her making - which continues to go from strength to strength.
On show in Galerie Zone from 1 september until the end of october. Dont miss it!!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Using a mix of discarded and broken tiles, ceramics and glass Marianne den Hartog creates a colourful, lively and joyful mosaicworld. A selection of her work is for sale in Galerie Zone until the end of August.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Frans Beelen (a member of our collective) is is one of 30 artists from The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and South Africa participating in the summer exhibition at gallery Beelden in Gees (Schaapveensweg 16, 7863 Gees).
Set in seven hectares of beautiful countryside in southeast Drent, art and nature embrace each other here in pleasant harmony and you can easily spend several enjoyable hours wandering through the meadows and gardens and looking around the beautiful gallery where Frans' gorgeous 'wearable ornaments' are on display.
Set in seven hectares of beautiful countryside in southeast Drent, art and nature embrace each other here in pleasant harmony and you can easily spend several enjoyable hours wandering through the meadows and gardens and looking around the beautiful gallery where Frans' gorgeous 'wearable ornaments' are on display.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Fascinating assemblages - under the pseudonym "Straatjutter" (literally translated this means "streetcomber") Krista Peters made one everyday for a year (and every one was photographed and placed on the internet Each one is labelled with the day it was made, where the 'rubbish' was found, and a title. The 'real' things are on display in Galerie Zone until 26 July.
Better hurry as they are selling fast!
Monday, May 28, 2012
Seeger Baas (08-08-1979) paints beautifully realistic scenes from everyday life; they quietly capture moments in time.
From 1st to 30th June they are on display in Gallery Zone, the opening is on Sunday 3 June. Everyone is welcome!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Martine Knoppert, glasmaker and one-time member of the Zone collective, is back with a temporary exhibition of her new and colourful work - showing until May 6 when she will also be in the gallery.
A book about her work is also available.
So see you on Sunday May 6th!
U bent van harte uitgenodigd
Hans Paes
1 t/m 31 mei 2012
Opening on sunday 6 may 14.00-16.00 hours
Everyone welcome!
"since my youth I have been passionate about Japanese culture. During my travels have I visited Japanese gardens, taken lessons from bonsai-masters, and discovered the importance of symbolism to the culture. For example a cranebird, which represents the wish for peace on earth and since Hiroshima has become a national symbol.From Kumi Kawamuri I learnt the art of sumi-e, drawing with pen and ink on rice paper.
In galerie Zône I am exhibiting collages of Japans washi paper, made from the long fibres of the kozotree."
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Meanwhile Linda Ezerman, jewellery maker extraodinaire, has just become our collective's latest 'test' member - visit the gallery to see her wonderful pieces, or check out her website

Our furniture designer/ maker Frida van der Poel has a selection of her work on show in Galerie Kaleido in Uppsala, Sweden, until the 6th of May.
Our connection with this gallery (also a collective) goes back to 2010 when we had a joint exhibition called 'The Red Thread" - members of both galleries submitted work for the exhibition which was first held in Uppsala and then travelled to Leiden.
Möbler på språngFrida van der Poel visar möbler och skulpturer av träi Kaleidos galleri 14 april - 6 maj 2012
--------------------------------------------Vernissage: Lördag 14 april kl 10-16. Frida van der Poel finns på plats i galleriet hela dagen.Observera att Kaleido har stängt på valborgsmässoafton och första maj.--------------------------------------------
De ser ut att vara på språng, fulla med energi och på väg någon annanstans.Den holländska konstnären, designern och möbelsnickaren Frida van der Poels stolar, skåp, pallar och bord är hela tiden i rörelse trots att de står stilla. Skulptur förenas med funktion i hennes möbler där en lek med perspektiv och skuggor skapar skenbart liv. Hon arbetar med trä och färg, och söker efter spänning mellan plan och plasticitet i möblernas volymer.
"En av mina stora inspirationskällor är tjeckisk kubism. Dess sätt att se på saker har fått mig att skapa möbler som inte bara är funktionella utan också dynamiska" säger Frida van der Poel, möbelkonstnären som får tingen att dansa.För utställningen i Kaleidos galleri har hon gjort flera nya möbler, bl a en serie tre- och fyrbenta pallar i olika färger, och några skåp som hon kallar Telgang (en speciell gångart hos hästar förklarar hon). Frida van der Poel visar också ett par eleganta skulpturer inspirerade av Fibonaccis talserie (1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21 osv).
Frida van der Poel har gått tre år på Hout en Meubilerings College (Trä och Möbler College) i Amsterdam och utexaminerades därifrån 1991. Sedan dess har hon varit medlem i den holländska konsthantverksgruppen Galerie Zône som Kaleido gjorde en utställning tillsammans med under 2010 (gruppernas gemensamma utställning "Den röda tråden" visades i Uppsala juni-augusti 2010 och i Leiden i Nederländerna september-oktober 2010).
Se mer på
Bilder:Stol och pall i trä. Foto: Tineke Jacobs"Telgang", skåp i italiensk valnöt. Foto: Frida van der Poel."Skok", pallar i betsad bok. Foto: Frida van der Poel.
**************************************************************************Kaleido konsthantverkGodsmagasinet · Östra station · Roslagsg. 1 · 753 27 UppsalaÖppettider: vardagar 10-18.30, lördagar 10-16, söndagar 12-16Stängt på valborgsmässoafton och första maj.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Festival Iberia ‘Georgia: Local Time’
23-25 March 2012, Leiden, Keukenhof, Texel
23-25 March 2012, Leiden, Keukenhof, Texel
NOT TO MISS: a blend of Georgian arts and cultural experiences back in the Netherlands from 23 till 25 March. Georgian polyphonic chant, percussion, fine arts, photography, traditional crafts and exciting workshops are to be enjoyed in Leiden, Keukenhof and Texel.
The festival program consists of three main parts:
· Three concerts of breath-taking polyphonic chant performed by the public favourites – the Georgian national ensemble Rustavi
· Exhibitions of Georgian paintings, crafts and photography presented in four Leiden galleries
· Workshops in polyphonic chant and percussion
23 March 17:00
Opening of the art exhibition in Leiden galleries Frederiek van der Vlist, Zone, Kunsthuizen, Patries van Dorst.
Addresses: Frederiek van der Vlist: Nieuwe Rijn 26 / Zone: Nieuwstraat 17b / Kunsthuizen: Hartesteeg 2b / Patries van Dorst: Herengracht 40
Free entrance
Addresses: Frederiek van der Vlist: Nieuwe Rijn 26 / Zone: Nieuwstraat 17b / Kunsthuizen: Hartesteeg 2b / Patries van Dorst: Herengracht 40
Free entrance
Friday, March 2, 2012
Eleonora Tammes
Our guest exhibiting artist in March is Eleonora Tammes.
She says her paintings on paper "investigate the complexities and subtleties found within pattern. To understand a pattern is to appreciate it as a finger print of pressure and the system’s state of balance. Utilizing processes of repetition, deformation and mark-making, her work records physical and emotional forcings that compete for space and influence. Like individuals forming an audience, or atoms a mineral lattice, grapevines a vineyard and bricks a wall, I build assemblages of graphical elements characterized by regular and irregular patterns. These patterns reflect my love of construction and express aspects inherent to entities composed of smaller units, such as process, purpose, function, mode, belonging, limitations and flux."
Monday, January 23, 2012
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renovated verger's house |
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purpose built workspace |
From 8th until 26th February 2012 Frans Beelen (one of our ‘Zone collective” members) is going to be ‘artist-in-residence’ at the Vincent van Gogh House.
This is the house in Zundert (Brabant) where van Gogh was born, and Frans has been chosen from many international applicants to live in the restored verger’s house(near the museum) and to create in a purpose-built workspace next door.
Thus “treading in the footsteps” of the master and inspired by his work and birthplace, she will work on a special collection of her beautiful jewellery.
At the end of her residency there will be open-studio weekend and an exhibition of what she has made.For information on the museum and how to get there
and to see Frans' work go to her website
Meanwhile, at the other end of the country, her work can be seen from
Meanwhile, at the other end of the country, her work can be seen from
From 2nd until 29th february Galerie Zone will be showing work by the Lithuanian born artist Violeta.
She uses two different styles and materials techniques to create her work:
the acrylic paintings on wooden panels are from her "wine-red period" and represent a "humoristic-ironical way of watching the poetry of daily life"....
She uses two different styles and materials techniques to create her work:
the acrylic paintings on wooden panels are from her "wine-red period" and represent a "humoristic-ironical way of watching the poetry of daily life"....
while her unique and unusual leatherwork is created in a style and manner that she has made completely her own. By using a razor-sharp knife Violeta cuts into the surface of the leather, peeling-back thin layers to reveal the ever-lighter colours beneath. This process is only possible on leather which has been tanned and dyed naturally (without the aid of chemicals). Her inspiration comes from folk art and mythology.
The opening for Violeta's exhibtion is Sunday 5th February, from 14.00 - 16.00, everyone welcome!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Eric Merten's deceptively simple and beautifully made furniture is currently on show in our gallery.
Matty de Vries
1 t/m 31 januari 2012
Opening sunday 8 january 14.00-16.00
Everyone welcome!
"Through her use of colour her paintings create an atmosphere of calm and stillness. They are almost transparent images of landscapes in which time has another dimension....
Her illustrations and designs are playful and painterly.... "
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