Monday, October 31, 2011

Fenny van de Wal
NOVEMBER EXPO Opening on sunday 6 November 14.00-16.00. Everyone welcome!

The inspiration for her recent series of work came to Fenny in Mérigot during a camping holiday in the Auvergne(F). 
Having spent her youth on a farm on the river Vecht, she developed a special relationship with water and nature and the surrounding stillness and space.
So its not surprising that she was intrigued and captivated by the magical fenland around Mérigot, where she camped in the summer of 2010. She recorded the landscape, carefully and respectfully  -  because Fenny is frightened of water. Water and the wateredges provide boundaries beyond which mystery dominates. Fenny consiously and deliberately seeks out these borders in her  paintings.

For more information please visit her website: